Whitby Family Eye Care, Dr.Leslie Fitzgerald & Associates
25 Thickson Rd Whitby ON L1N 8W8 (905) 728-7017
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Whitby, ON
(905) 728-7017

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Kids Eye Exam: What to Expect

A young child and their parent smiling at the camera wearing matching glasses after a kid's eye exam.

Your child deserves clear vision—and it’s within reach. With a children’s eye exam, your optometrist can determine how your child’s eyes are developing, if there are any problems, and how to help them see the world clearly. These exams are a core part of healthy visual development. So what should you expect from your next children’s eye exam?

Children’s eye exams are designed to assess eye health and visual clarity. They involve a series of tests, each as important as the next, to check different parts of your child’s eyes and their visual development.  Annual exams are an easy and effective way to stay on top of your child’s development!

When Should a Child Have Their First Eye Exam?

Ideally, a child should have their first eye exam as early as 6 months old. This early visit is an important first step—your optometrist can make sure their eyes are developing as they should.

During this appointment, your optometrist will check for:

  • Proper eye alignment or signs of crossed eyes
  • Early indications of diseases or vision problems
  • How your child’s eyes respond to light

This is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have. Remember—your optometrist is an experienced eye care professional, and they’re here to help.

Why Are Children’s Eye Exams So Important?

Eye exams aren’t just about vision. During the exam, your optometrist checks your child’s overall eye health and how their eyes are growing. Your optometrist can detect problems like:

Without regular exams, these problems may go unnoticed—children rarely complain about their vision – but these problems can affect how your child sees and interacts with the world around them, especially in school. Did you know that 80% of your child’s learning occurs through their eyes? Early diagnosis of eye problems makes all the difference in the world to a child’s learning.

What to Expect During a Children’s Eye Exam

The eye exam process begins the moment you walk through the door. Your child is in good hands with your optometrist who is there to keep their eyes healthy. Every effort is made to make a warm, welcoming experience for your child. And don’t worry if they don’t know their alphabet letters perfectly yet … your doctor has many different ways to test vision and will tailor the tests to your child’s abilities.

So what should you expect from your child’s next eye exam?

Before a Child’s Eye Exam

Preparation makes the visit easier for everyone. Start by gently explaining to your child what an eye exam is about. This helps reduce potential anxiety and sets the foundation for a fun, engaging visit.

It helps to bring along:

  • Their previous prescription if they have one. 
  • A list of any eye-related symptoms or concerns you’ve noticed. 
  • Information about the child’s health history and your family history of eye conditions. 
  • A toy or book to keep them comfortable during the wait. 
  • A list of questions you may have about their vision or eye health. 

These small steps can make a big difference. It helps our team personalize their care.

During a Child’s Eye Exam

Once we move to the exam room, it doesn’t take long. The entire exam should take around 30 to 60 minutes or so, though it may take a little longer if we do any additional testing.

A young child in a blue sweater covering one eye and pointing out-of-frame during a children's eye exam.

During the exam, our team will:

  • Check your child’s visual acuity to measure how well they see at different distances. 
  • Evaluate eye alignment to ensure both eyes work together properly. 
  • Examine the overall health of their eyes using special lights and tools. 
  • Perform additional tests if needed, such as checking for colour vision or focusing issues. 
  • Explain the results and answer any questions you might have about your child’s vision. 

Each test has its purpose—it gives us valuable information about your child’s eyes, vision, and overall health. Then we can create a customized treatment plan designed to help them see and develop optimally.

After a Child’s Eye Exam

Once the exam is complete, we’ll walk you through the results. If no major issues are found, the next visit can be scheduled in one year. 

If your child needs glasses or contacts, we’ll discuss your options then and provide the necessary devices. This helps you plan ahead for the future and leave the appointment feeling informed about your child’s eye health.

How Often Should a Child Have an Eye Exam?

After their first exam at 6 months of age, your child needs at least one more before they enter school, around age 3. This is an important step—our doctor will make sure they’re starting school with clear vision and healthy eyes.

Then, you should schedule eye exams at least once per year. We monitor their eyes as they develop and address problems early, long before they cause any damage or learning problems. Your child deserves healthy vision, and it’s within reach with regular children’s eye exams.

Building a Clearer Future for Your Child

Regular eye exams are a simple step to protect your child’s health and overall development. Early detection makes all the difference—that’s why our team at Whitby Family Eye Care takes so much pride in how much we care. We’re ready to work with your family and give your child the clear future they deserve. Book an appointment with us today, and together, we can support your child and their vision!

Visit Our Location in Whitby

Whitby Family Eye Care is at the north east corner of Thickson Rd & Hwy 2, in the KFC plaza. Parking is conveniently located right outside the practice.

Our team of optometrists at Whitby Family Eye Care are proud to offer the following eye care services:

  • Eye Exams
  • Eye Issues and Diseases
  • Laser Eye Surgery Consultation
  • Dry Eye Treatment
  • Emergency Eye Care
  • Myopia Control
  • Contact us today by booking an appointment online or giving us a call, and we will be happy to assist you.


    25 Thickson Rd North
    Whitby, ON, L1N 8W8

    Contact Information

    Phone: (905) 728-7017
    Fax: (905) 728-0865


    If you have an emergency, please visit your nearest emergency department or health care physician.

    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Thursday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    Saturday: By Appointment Only
    Sunday: Closed
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