Whitby Family Eye Care, Dr.Leslie Fitzgerald & Associates
25 Thickson Rd Whitby ON L1N 8W8 (905) 728-7017
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(905) 728-7017

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Can Opticians Remove Scratches on Glasses?

A close-up image of a pair of eyeglasses with scratched, dirty lenses over a blurry background.

While glasses can be a convenient way to maintain clear vision, they aren’t indestructible. Sometimes, the unexpected can occur, and your glasses might get damaged. So if you’re dealing with scratched glasses, can your optician fix them?

It depends on the extent of the damage. Opticians and optometrists may be able to fix some minor damages, but any significant damage will require replacement. Fortunately, your optometrist can help you with a new prescription if needed and restore your clear vision.

Why Buy Glasses from an Optometrist?

Accidents can sometimes be unavoidable, and there may be a point when you need to replace a damaged pair of frames or lenses. However, before you visit an online retailer, consider who you’re buying from.

Most larger stores prioritize quantity over quality. Instead of using high-quality materials for their frames and lenses, orders are made quickly and in bulk. This means you’re not getting a customized answer to your vision needs. You’re likely getting a generic product not personalized to your unique situation.

This is why you should visit your optometrist when you’re buying your next pair of glasses. They will work closely with you to tailor your frames and lenses to your unique visual demands resulting in accurate and high-quality eyeglasses.


The human eye is extremely sensitive, and your glasses need to be precisely crafted to correct refractive errors. Any fabrication problems—either poor shape or poor-quality materials—will change how light enters your eye. This means that an inaccurate lens won’t focus light correctly, and you might experience blurry vision, headaches, eye strain, and discomfort.

When buying from your optometrist, they carefully take a series of precise measurements of your eye, so they can provide you with a precise solution. They also take specific measurements to account for how your frames will be positioned on your face. 

Remember—they are your eye care professional, and they are able to account for various factors that otherwise might go unnoticed. This level of accuracy significantly reduces the chance of a fabrication error, giving you the precise prescription that properly restores your eyesight.


When it comes to the quality of materials used, optometrists offer a significant advantage over many online retailers or bulk stores. Many mass-market options use lower-quality polycarbonate lenses, which are more prone to scratches and glare.

Your optometrist typically provides lenses made from high-quality materials designed to be durable and long-lasting. 

High-quality eyeglasses are an investment in your future eye health. These lenses often come with special coatings that make them more resistant to scratches, along with additional features like:

  • UV protection
  • Blue light coating
  • Impact resistance
  • Scratch resistance
  • Glare prevention


Buying glasses from an optometrist offers convenience. Every step can be done in-house, including:

  • The eye exam for your new prescription
  • Selecting your new frames
  • Making adjustments to give you a perfect fit
  • Handling finances, warranties, and insurance
  • Any necessary repairs or replacements

You won’t need to visit different locations or try to verify the reliability of online retailers. Your optometrist can help maximize convenience and reduce prolonged repairs and replacements. 

How Often Should You Replace Your Glasses?

It’s important to keep an eye out for signs that your glasses are no longer working as well as they used to. It could be the progression of your refractive error or prescription. 

If the lens has damages, scratches, or a visibly worn coating, it will affect your vision, and it is time for a replacement. In some situations, opticians and optometrists may be able to carefully correct minor damage. However, scratches can not be buffed out from a lens without altering the prescription, so any significant damage warrants replacing.

If your lens has a crack, it is no longer impact resistant and as such is unsafe. Even a minor impact could cause it to shatter with the risk of fragments damaging your eye.

An optometrist smiling while holding up a mirror so a patient can admire her new pair of eyeglasses.

However, even if the glasses themselves are fine, your prescription may change over the years. Here are some signs that might indicate the need to update your prescription:

  • Frequent headaches or eye strain
  • Difficulty seeing clearly at certain distances
  • Squinting to read or see objects
  • Changes in your prescription during your last eye exam
  • Signs of wear and tear on the frames
  • An uncomfortable fit or sliding down your nose

Don’t wait for these signs! Annual eye exams allow your optometrist to monitor your vision and eye health regularly to get ahead of any changes. Sometimes, your eye doctor may recommend visiting even more frequently based on your eye or general health condition.

Where to Get New Glasses

If you’re dealing with scratched or damaged glasses, come talk to us at Whitby Family Eye Care. Our team can replace your lenses and help you find a future pair you’ll love. You deserve to look—and see—your best, so request an appointment with our team today!

Visit Our Location in Whitby

Whitby Family Eye Care is at the north east corner of Thickson Rd & Hwy 2, in the KFC plaza. Parking is conveniently located right outside the practice.

Our team of optometrists at Whitby Family Eye Care are proud to offer the following eye care services:

  • Eye Exams
  • Eye Issues and Diseases
  • Laser Eye Surgery Consultation
  • Dry Eye Treatment
  • Emergency Eye Care
  • Myopia Control
  • Contact us today by booking an appointment online or giving us a call, and we will be happy to assist you.


    25 Thickson Rd North
    Whitby, ON, L1N 8W8

    Contact Information

    Phone: (905) 728-7017
    Fax: (905) 728-0865


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    Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    Thursday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
    Friday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
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    Sunday: Closed
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